By Erin Schreiber, DPT Training progression or periodization does not Just apply to one race cycle: It’s cumulative stacking! Look to layer your gains intentionally season after season!! As important as it is to follow a training program to gradually...
Eye movement (or lack thereof) gives insight into the functionality of someone’s central nervous system. While there should be some movement when the eyes are still, too much movement can indicate a potential instability somewhere in the central nervous system. A...
Massage is most often associated with a relaxing spa service. However, just as there are different types of yoga or physical therapy styles, massage therapy varies among practitioners. As such, bodywork can have many benefits and is a great way to support a healthy...
Personal training at The Movement Guild is often provided in conjunction with physical therapy for a few reasons. It is a natural next step after completing rehab. Many times we hear patients express the desire to be more active and continue with their exercises once...
Our Health and Performance coaches work with all types of clients, both “athletes” and those who don’t consider themselves “athletic”. To live a healthful life everyone, athlete or not, needs to maintain joint health and efficient...