
How can you stay injury-free while pursuing your passion for running? Below we will explore some common reasons why you might experience aches or pains during your runs, related to biomechanics and improper loading progression. Understanding these causes can help you make the necessary adjustments to prevent future setbacks, as well as to improve performance. So, let’s get into it!

1. Overtraining and Lack of Rest:

One of the most common reasons runners get injured is overtraining. Pushing yourself too hard, too soon without allowing your body adequate time to recover can lead to overuse injuries. Remember to incorporate rest days into your training schedule and gradually increase the intensity and distance to avoid overtraining. Use the rule of 10% to avoid accidentally ramping up mileage too quickly. Each week your total time or miles run should increase by no more than 10%.

2. Incorrect Running Form:

 Running with improper technique can put excessive stress on certain joints and muscles, leading to injuries. Pay attention to your posture, stride length, and foot strike pattern. Consider working with a running coach or physical therapist, and undergoing gait analysis to identify and correct any form issues.

3. Inadequate Warm-Up and Cool-Down:

Skipping warm-up exercises before a run and neglecting to cool down afterward can increase your risk of injury. Warm-up exercises prepare your muscles for the activity ahead, while cooling down allows your body to gradually return to its resting state. Incorporate dynamic stretches and light exercises into your routine to prevent muscle strains and imbalances.

4. Insufficient Strength and Flexibility:

Weak muscles and tight, inflexible muscles can make you more susceptible to injuries. Include strength training exercises that target your lower body and core, as well as regular stretching sessions, to improve your overall strength and flexibility. This will help stabilize your joints and enhance your running mechanics.

5. Inappropriate Footwear:

Wearing worn-out or improper footwear can significantly impact your running biomechanics and increase the risk of injuries. Disclaimer: this is of more importance if you have areas of stiffness or weakness in your feet and ankles. Visit a specialized running store to get your feet properly measured and fitted for the right shoes. Consider investing in shoes that provide adequate cushioning, support, and stability for your specific running style and foot type.

Remember, prevention is key when it comes to staying injury-free while running. By addressing these common causes, you can take proactive steps towards a safer and more enjoyable running experience. Stay tuned for Part 2 of our running series, where we will delve further into injury prevention strategies and essential tips for recovery. Stay healthy and happy running! Your TMG team